Artikel Bahasa Inggris

Education & ScienceIf someone have been to inform me you’ll outlive the college you graduated from, I wouldn’t believe them. I’d say, no means, not potential. Well, it did happen to me.

In 2002, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) launched its OpenCourseWare program which affords free sources for different courses. This initiative showed that high quality studying supplies will be accessed on-line at no expense. Since man is a social animal subsequently, he develops in social circumstances. His success is success in society. The goal of education is to make him successful by developing his social persona.

Anugrah yang sangat luar biasa bisa menjadi bagian dari indonesia, dengan jumlah provinsi sebanyak 35 provinsi, indonesia berhasil menjaga keutuhan negara dengan semboyan bhineka tunggal ika yang selalu dipegang teguh oleh segenap rakyat indonesia, sehingga walaupun bangsa Indonesia yang terdiri dari berbagai macam suku bangsa dengan kebudayaan dan adat-istiadat yang beraneka ragam namun keseluruhannya … Read more

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