Benefits of Outdoor Activities for Children

Today, children spend more time in front of the television or playing gadgets than on the move or outdoor activities such playing a robe or Capture the Flag Game. Of course, this trend can trigger bad things for them like obesity and other health problems. Child growth is closely related to outdoor activities. Of course, if the activity is done with the maximum, the growth of children will also be better again. Still do not believe it? Benefits of playing outdoors for children psychologically are so much. We try to analyze the domain of the development of psychology, yes (physical + cognitive + language + emotion + social), these are some of them:

  • Physical benefits: by moving a goal (not just moving), the child will learn coarse motor coordination, which is the basis of any balance of body and mind later. Children also learn agility, which will be generalized for agility thinking. Many moves also make children healthier, so the basic capital for all the growth of other developments.
  • Cognitive benefits: by playing outdoors, the child will be more knowledgeable, ranging from environmental insight, to the insights of any game strategy that is played. The breadth of insight can increase the breadth of interest, it can also increase creativity to solve problems. Good rough motor co-ordination improves the ability of the child to concentrate, and it is related to the child’s ability to remember.
  • Benefits of language: children get various vocabulary about life outdoors. When interacting with friends, he also learns about how to communicate with playmates.
  • Emotional benefits: children learn to experience a variety of emotions (happy, happy, sad, angry, embarrassed, guilty, etc.) in the context of play, and learn to overcome them. Outdoor play and many moves also release the emotional pressure of the child so that negative emotions (anger, sadness, annoyance, etc.) tend to decrease, stress also decreases.
  • Social benefits: especially when children play with other children. They learn to work together in 1 team, learn to influence each other, drop each other, help each other, and various other social skills. Friends can also be a childhood friend who is remembered, or a lifelong friend for later useful in adulthood.

Well, if children are often confined in the room, for example, playing gadgets / video games can result? All the above benefits are less obtainable. Conversely, children may be obese due to lack of movement, less creativity, tend to be more aggressive if the content of the toys is aggressive, negative emotions tend to be buried or channeled inappropriately, less developed association – limited to certain people, less able to develop various social skills.Sure, playing outside the room can release the stress of the child?

As I have explained above, a lot of movement aka outdoor activities help to release the emotions of children.There is a benchmark about how much duration and the ideal frequency for children playing outdoors? There are experts who say that at least a day 30 minutes, better morning so that children get the maximum benefit from the sun. But if it’s morning school, it would be good to play in school. Or can also play outside the house, in the afternoon. If the outside environment is not possible, for example because the roadside, maximize cooperation with teachers to play a lot of children in school, or when on weekends can be invited to play in the city park.